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Suzhou Ruihong International Trading Co., Ltd.  

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  • 联系人:Tao Fanghua
  • 电话:86-512-65581761
  • 传真:86-512-65581763
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公司名称 Suzhou Ruihong International Trading Co., Ltd.
资料认证 企业资料未认证
保 证 金 $0.00
公司类型 company (Trading Company)
所 在 地 China/anhui/suzhou
公司规模 1~3 People
注册资本 未填写
注册年份 2007
经营模式 Trading Company
销售的产品 CNC Turned Parts , CNC Machining
主营行业 Consumer Electronics     Consumer Electronics / Commerce & Finance Electronics     Consumer Electronics / Commerce & Finance Electronics / ATM    
In DEC. 2006, we registered Ruihong Company; In June 2010, we built own machining factory. Now the factory has 13000m2 place and more than2500m2 workroom.

Our factory has three workrooms (machining, stamping, welding fabric parts) and always make parts as customize designs including warehouse metal parts, door&window, petro industry, robot parts, food machinery parts, ATM parts, analyzer, etc...(not machinery).

In order to reudce your quality risk and funds pressure, we could accep the payment way during future business (30% deposit, balance in 30days after shipping date). It`s helpful for you to test our quality before payment.

Invite your early news!

Best wishes


Liyang Hengyu Machining Co., Ltd

Industrial Zone, Zhuze Town, Liyang City

Jiangsu Province, China 21335

Tel: 86 519 87709162

Fax: 86 519 87709163

M. P. 86 (0)13921059333

Suzhou Ruihong Int`l

12B Garden Mansion, 159 Sanxiang Rd.

Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China 215004

Tel: 86 512 65581761/65581762

Fax: 86 512 65581763

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